I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Esta presentación de la salud mental (Mental Health in Spanish) está diseñada para fomentar la inteligencia emocional y la resiliencia de los estudiantes. Cada diapositiva presenta conceptos esenciales de salud mental de forma clara, atractiva y adecuada a la edad. Con preguntas de pensamiento crítico, este recurso promueve debates dinámicos en clase y una reflexión profunda, mejorando la atención y la comprensión de los niños. Las preguntas también animan a los estudiantes a conectar sus experiencias personales con las lecciones, aplicando estrategias de salud mental de forma efectiva en sus vidas.
Al utilizar esta presentación, los maestros pueden crear un ambiente de apoyo en la clase en el que se fomenten las discusiones sobre los sentimientos, la autoestima y las relaciones, ayudando en última instancia a los estudiantes a desarrollar una base sólida para el bienestar emocional.
La presentación ofrece a los estudiantes consejos prácticos y estrategias para gestionar su salud mental. Les enseña a reconocer y comprender sus emociones, la importancia del pensamiento positivo y cómo construir y mantener relaciones sanas.
Este recurso incluye:
Diapositiva 1: ¿Qué es la Salud Mental?
Diapositiva 2: Cuida la Salud Mental
Diapositiva 3: Comprende los Sentimientos y las Emociones
Diapositiva 4: ¿Puedo Cambiar lo que Siento?
Diapositiva 5: Mis Pensamientos y Creencias
Diapositiva 6: Autoestima
Diapositiva 7: Construir y Mantener Relaciones
Diapositiva 8: Condiciones de la Salud Mental
Diapositiva 9: Comprende las Condiciones de la salud Mental
Diapositiva 10: Hábitos Esenciales para una Buena Salud Mental
Diapositiva 11: Pedir Ayuda y Ayudar a los Demás
Diapositiva 12: Yo Tomo Acción
Diapositiva 13: Hemos aprendido sobre - La Salud Mental
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★ Related resources:
Download the English Version
Salud Mental Manualidad, Social Emotional Learning
¡Feliz Semana de la Salud Mental!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Mental Health PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. This invaluable resource for teachers aims to foster emotional intelligence and resilience in their students. Each slide introduces fundamental concepts of mental health in a simple, engaging, and age-appropriate manner, making it easy for teachers to integrate these lessons into their existing curriculum.
The inclusion of critical thinking questions on each slide allows teachers to promote interesting discussions and reflection, enhancing students’ understanding and engagement. By using this presentation, teachers can create a supportive classroom environment where discussions about feelings, self-esteem, and relationships are encouraged, ultimately helping students develop a strong foundation for emotional well-being.
The presentation provides students with practical advice and strategies for managing their mental health. It teaches them to recognize and understand their emotions, the importance of positive thinking, and how to build and maintain healthy relationships. By addressing topics such as mental illnesses and essential habits for mental health, students gain awareness and empathy, reducing stigma and promoting a supportive peer environment.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: What is Mental Health?(English and Spanish Version)
Slide 2: Taking Care of Your Mental Health (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 3: Understanding Feelings and Emotions (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 4: Can I Change How I Feel? (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 5: My Thoughts and Beliefs (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 6: Self - Esteem (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 7: Building and Maintaining Relationships (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 8: Mental Conditions (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 9: Understanding Mental Conditions (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 10: Essential Habits for Mental Health (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 11: Asking for Help and Helping Others (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 12: I Take Action (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 13: We Have Learned About Mental Health (English and Spanish Version)
Google Slides
JPG images
Happy Mental Health Week!
The Muffin Challenge resource focuses on developing kindness. It invites students to understand, through practice, what being kind truly means. As part of the challenge, students will perform acts of kindness for themselves and others while completing a mini-book. Encourage them to view this as an exciting opportunity to test themselves and set goals. Set a timeframe, such as a weekend, week, or month, for students to complete the book and share their experiences in class or with their families.
This resource teaches and practices kindness, and it has numerous positive outcomes for children academically, mentally, and socially. It helps boost self-esteem, enhances motivation to learn, and reduces instances of bullying and violence.
Parents will greatly appreciate participating in this engaging book with their children, understanding that kindness is priceless and holds immense value.
Let’s invite our students and parents to embark on the Muffin Challenge!
The Muffin Challenge:
Help Someone in Need
Give Those People You Care About a Hug
Leave a Thank You Note To Someone
Share What You Love
Greet Your Neighbors When You See Them
Speak Up For Someone That Others Aren’t Being Kind To at School
Donate Toys/Things You No Longer Use
Use Kind Words When Speaking To Others
This resource includes:
Acts of Kindness - Muffin Challenge Mini-Book (10 half pages)
★ Related Resources:
* Download the Spanish Version
Happy National Muffin Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Acts of Kindness - Muffin Challenge. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! The Muffin Challenge resource focuses on developing kindness. It invites students to understand, through practice, what being kind truly means. As part of the challenge, students will perform acts of kindness for themselves and others while completing a mini-book. Encourage them to view this as an exciting opportunity to test themselves and set goals. Set a timeframe, such as a weekend, week, or month, for students to complete the book and share their experiences in class or with their families.
This resource teaches and practices kindness, and it has numerous positive outcomes for children academically, mentally, and socially. It helps boost self-esteem, enhances motivation to learn, and reduces instances of bullying and violence.
Parents will greatly appreciate participating in this engaging book with their children, understanding that kindness is priceless and holds immense value.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Acts of Kindness - Muffin Challenge - Mini-Book (10 half pages)
Acciones de Bondad - Desafío Muffin - Mini-Libro (10 medias páginas)
Happy National Muffin Day!